表明诗人?a href="javascript:if(confirm('http://shici.yiduiyi.net.cn/chaxun/zuozhe/%E6%A1%82%E5%8D%8E%E6%98%8E \n\n���ļ����� Teleport Ultra ����, ��Ϊ ���������淢������, ��ֹ�����ء� \n\n�����ڷ������ϴ���?'))window.location='http://shici.yiduiyi.net.cn/chaxun/zuozhe/%E6%A1%82%E5%8D%8E%E6%98%8E'" tppabs="http://shici.yiduiyi.net.cn/chaxun/zuozhe/10159.html" target="_blank">怡然自得。五、六句写夜登鹿门山,到得庞德公栖隐处,感受到隐逸之?br>处。末两句写隐居鹿门山,心慕先辈?br>??全诗虽歌咏归隐的清闲淡素,但对尘世的热闹仍不能忘情,表达了隐居乃迫于?br>奈的情怀。感情真挚飘逸,于平淡中见其优美,真实?br>
returning at night to lumen mountain
a bell in the mountain-temple sounds the coming of night.
i hear people at the fishing-town stumble aboard the ferry,
while others follow the sand-bank to their homes along the river.
...i also take a boat and am bound for lumen mountain --
and soon the lumen moonlight is piercing misty trees.
i have come, before i know it, upon an ancient hermitage,
the thatch door, the piney path, the solitude, the quiet,
where a hermit lives and moves, never needing a companion.